Jan 29Liked by Siobhan Twomey

Love it. Turns out that 2 minutes is actually a lot of time to draw something. I struggle with how much time to give students when they do gesture drawings because 2 minutes is enough time to fall back into the familiar piece meal approach to figure drawing. To do good gestures, you must feel a bit desperate, out of breath perhaps. This is the 30-60 seconds range where you know that you do not have time to think about it and you must react to what you're seeing and trust your hand to connect with your eye.

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Ha! Yes!! That is exactly right, such a good way to describe it. I think if you feel like that then you are definitely connecting with the moment in a pure sense. It's the mad struggle to express a moment in all it's entirety.... in 60 seconds. With marks. Thank you so much for this comment! I'm honored to that you stopped by here, thank you :) I will be taking a deep dive into the writings in your archive over the coming days.So inspiring to find and make these connections on this platform.

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Yes, I am happy to have found your channel as well! I am enjoying your youtube content. This is something I have engaged with on and off over the years but haven't found traction in a consistent manner.

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Interesting! Yeah, I started publishing here towards the end of last year and will see how it goes. I prefer this medium to Instagram! Thank you for watching the vids on YT... do you have any video content there?

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Yes, a few experiments and fits and starts:


I am approaching one year on Substack and I am very pleased that I have been able to post consistently and still have lots to write about :) I like your content and perhaps we could do some colaborative stuff, if it lines up. An article, conversation, podcast, somekind of idea exchange about life drawing since it is also my favourite thing to teach.

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That would be awesome! I'd love that. Let's keep in touch and if you have any ideas let me know, I'll also be thinking more about this in the next month, once I finish up a current project I'm trying to get done!

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Here is my vibe for a one minute approach:


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